Feel free to visit my other blog, Curly Cosmetics! It's about makeup, skincare, and more. Also, if you're on a computer, click below to feed the fish. :)

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About Me

Hi there! I go by CalicoKitties here on the internet. ;) You can call me CK, Calico, CalicoKitties... whatever floats your boat. I always sign my posts "CK".

In case you were wondering, I have a lovely calico cat named Minnie; she's the adorable stalker in the picture to the left.

Click here to read about my hair journey!
My hair properties are currently 2b/c, medium/high porosity, & medium texture.

And now, allow me to tell you a bit about myself personally. I have a deep love for nature and the beauty that it displays. I try to capture that beauty through photography, one of my favorite hobbies. :) I have a D7100 camera w/ a few lenses (my macro lens, the tamron 90mm, is my favorite!) and am frequently outside taking pictures of flowers or insects. I also enjoy drawing; if you'd like to see some of my art, feel free to visit my deviantART account: [link]

Another one of my big interests is the aquatic world of fish tanks! ;) I have a 15 gallon that houses 4 otocinclus catfish, a bunch of ramshorn & bladder snails, and some cherry shrimp. Yes, that's right, you "heard" me; I have pet shrimp. Neat, huh? No, I don't grow them to eat them (almost everybody asks me that; to me, that's like saying "are you gonna eat your goldfish when he grows up?"). Below is a picture that I took of my favorite one.

I also have a 5 gallon tank with a beautiful male betta named Nimbus.

I suppose I should mention that I'm a bit of a grammar nerd. I may or may not mentally correct everybody's grammar. ;)

I have many more interests/hobbies, but I don't want to make this too long. I covered my biggest interests. Anyway, at the moment, I am still a highschool student (soon to be a college student...yikes). I am a Christian. I play the harp (yes, the harp, like angels and stuff), and I absolutely love my instrument.

That's about enough, don't you think? ;) I hope you enjoy my blog! Have a nice day. <3

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