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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How my hair has changed

Hello! Welcome to Carefree Curls.
In this post, I will be discussing the changes that my hair has made since I started the CG method. I'm curious to hear if any of y'all have experienced your hair doing these as well!

Natural Highlights: Okay, this one actually has happened my whole life, not just after the CG method, but I still wanted to add it. :) During the summer and when it's sunnier or I'm outside a lot, my hair gets naturally highlighted by the sunlight; especially in the front on the top layers. It's just interesting to me. I just say that it gets sun-bleached. But these highlights have occasionally become so prominent that people have asked me if I highlighted my hair! I find it amusing. :) I have never highlighted nor colored my hair.. Once I haven't been out in the sun as much, it goes back to its normal coloration. You can especially see it in this picture from when I was still styling my hair straight..

Different parting: Ever since I started treating my hair better, it has begun parting naturally more towards the middle of my head. Just compare where it parted in the photo above to the one below..

I'm not even sure if y'all can really tell from that, but that whole curl in the front to the right used to be on the other side lol.

It's shinier: I've heard several people say that curly hair is less shiny than straight hair because light reflects better on flat surfaces. Makes sense, right? Well, my hair has actually been more shiny since I started the CG method! Maybe it's because I've begun rinsing in cold water (as described in step 3 of this post), or maybe it's because it's getting more moisture...who knows.

Needs less moisture: The longer I've done the CG method, the less I've needed to give my hair copious amounts of moisture. In fact, my hair has gotten over-moisturized a couple of times and seems to enjoy protein quite a bit. It definitely needed more moisture in the beginning than it does now; I haven't had to baby it as much as I did at first. :)

That's all I can think of that's changed, others than the fact that it's obviously gotten curlier lol. Also, I just got a deva cut! Pictures will be up tomorrow (so remember to come back and see how it turned out)! I got quite a bit of length cut off.. I haven't had it this short in awhile ;)

Post a comment if you've noticed anything interesting that has changed about your hair since you went natural!


P.S, I will be holding a giveaway during the month of October, so make sure you check back then!

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